Welcome to the Regional Arts WA online grant application service, powered by SmartyGrants.
IMPORTANT: Please read information below to assist you in completing your application online.
Regional Arts Resilience Grants, Round 1
For projects starting after 1 September 2020.
Applications close 5pm, Thursday 6 August 2020.
Resilience Grants of up to $15,000 are designed to assist regional artists, arts organisations and communities to sustain creative practices and participate in the regional economy during the immediate period of disruption caused by COVID-19. Project may include creative development, community engagement and capacity-building activities (such as professional development and business development) that abide with COVID-19 restrictions.
All Regional Arts Resilience Grants projects will need to be completed by 30 June 2021.
See guidelines for other round dates.
Please read the Regional Arts Resilience Grants guidelines found on www.regionalartswa.org.au to check the eligibility of your project.
The Regional Arts WA Project Officers will be available to help with questions as you work through the application. We do request that you contact us prior to beginning your application to discuss eligibility. The Regional Arts WA Project Officers can be contacted by:
Hannah Chambers
Regional Arts WA Project Officer
Phone 08 9200 6210
Regional Freecall 1800 811 883
Email hchambers@regionalartswa.org.au
Shandell Cummings
Regional Arts WA Project Officer
Phone 08 9200 6204
Regional Freecall 1800 811 883
Email scummings@regionalartswa.org.au
For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact us and quote your submission number.
If you need more help using this form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
On every screen (page of the form) you will find a Form Navigation contents box, this links directly to every page of the application. Click the link to jump directly to the page you want.
You can also click 'next page' or 'previous page' on the top or bottom of each page to move forward or backward through the application.
If you wish to leave a partially completed application, press 'save and close' and log out. When you log back in and click on the 'My Submissions' link at the top of the screen, you will find a list of any applications you have started or submitted. You can reopen your draft application and start where you left off.
You can also download any application, whether draft or completed, as a PDF. Click on the 'Download PDF' button located at the bottom of the last page of the application form.
A Regional Arts WA Project Officer may provide feedback on one draft per applicant if requested at least one week prior to the closing date.
To request a draft review please proceed to the next 'Review' page and select 'Download PDF'. Then email the PDF to your Regional Arts WA Project Officer including your application number in the subject of your email for identification. Draft reviews are to ensure eligibility criteria is being met, to review budgets and provide feedback on responses.
You will find a Review and Submit button at the bottom of the Navigation Panel. You need to review your application before you can submit it.
Once you have reviewed your application you can submit it by clicking on 'Submit' at the top or bottom of the screen or on the navigation panel. You will not be able to submit your application until all the compulsory questions are completed and there are no validation errors.
Once you have submitted your application, no further editing or uploading of support materials is possible.
When you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your submitted application attached. This will be sent to the email you used to register.
If you do not receive a confirmation of submission email then you should presume that your submission has NOT been submitted.
Hint: also check the email hasn’t landed in your spam or junk email folder.
You may need to upload/submit attachments to support your application. This is very simple, but requires you to have the documents saved on your computer, or on a storage device.
You need to allow enough time for each file to upload before trying to attach another file. Files can be up to 25MB each; however, we do recommend trying to keep files to a maximum of 5MB – the larger the file, the longer the upload time.
A number of people can work on an application using the same log in details as long as only one person is working at a time. Ensure you save as you go.
Most internet browsers (including Firefox v2.0 and above; Safari; and Google Chrome) have spell checking facilities built in – you can switch this function on or off by adjusting your browser settings.